Tabletop Simulator – Age of Sigmar

I have some “big” plans for making Warhammer Age of Sigmar Battle reports on Table Top Simulator but first I want to test some lists. To do this I’m going to have a tournament where I play them all against each other to see how they compete. My initial plan was to use my years of esports knowledge to create an uber tournament to challenge them all. But I worried that my short attention span wouldn’t stand for it. I also think it would be better for me to spend more time with lists at once rather than spreading it out so much, so my plan is to hold a whole championship of my own Warhammer Age of Sigmar lists which will consist of a series of four (4) team double elimination brackets to give me maximum time learning each list and scores from placements in these mini tournaments will qualify lists into bigger events. This allows me to learn less lists at a time and get to know them more, also I can change lists more between events. 

To be clear, I am not experienced in Age of Sigmar, I’ve been meaning to get back into Warhammer for a while and having a friend to play against on Tabletop Simulator at this time has given me the kick in the but to start and an easy (and cheap) way to do so. I did play a lot of Warhammer when I was younger, I played Lord of the Rings and Fantasy but mostly 40k from when I was 9 to about 16 (so that’s 2002 to 2007) but haven’t played any since so I’m really having to catch up to these new rules. 

Therefore I’ll start with 1000 points lists, both for ease of learning mechanics and for time reasons, I’ll also probably start with simple lists, with lots of multiples of units and I’ll probably stick to a few factions at first. I’m thinking of starting off with tournaments of all one faction so I can focus on learning one at a time, so there’ll probably be one for Empire, Dwarfs, Dark Elves, Tzeentch, Deepkin, Stormcast, Bone reapers and Lizardmen and then some sort of finals. 

So first thing’s first, time to read some books… brb… 

So… It makes sense to start with Cities of Sigmar because that can include a lot of different stuff that I want to play and I can use some of the same abilities and such so the first event will be Cities of Sigmar and the four lists I’ll make for it will all be Dark Elf based lists since that’s something I haven’t dabeld in much yet. So my lists will be:

  • Darkling Covens
  • Order of Serpentis 
  • Shadowblades
  • Scourge Privateers
I don’t think I’ll use the last round for the finals rematch if the loser bracket list wins

Each round will be a Bo1 and I’m thinking of increasing the lists points throughout this competition so that by the end I should have 2 or 3 2000 points lists ready to play with. So (unless I feel differently at the time) the first rounds will be 1000 points, then starting with either the first losers rounds or the second rounds the lists will be 1500 points and then the finals will be 2000 points. 

This will allow me to see what the lists at 1000 points might be lacking and add to them intelligently rather than just guessing what they might need now.

Shadowblades left vs Order Serpantis right

These are perfect examples of lists that I don’t know what they might be missing? Neither have spellcasters which would be an obvious first thought and then maybe just more meat? We will see after the first round! 

I expect both of these to play pretty simply, the Serpantis army should just charge basically with such high movement speed across the whole army. Whereas the Shadowblades can deploy the Shadow Warriors and Assasins behind enemy lines, however this might not do so much vs the Serpantis who’ll be across most of the board by then anyway, while the Hydra waddles across the map and the riders do some harassment. The lone hydra might have more problems vs an army with more range but I hope the more immediate threat of the harassment from the riders should take some fire off of him. 

Darkling Covens left vs Scourge Privateers right

The Darkling Coverns are an incredibly simple list and I could see them needing some more to be good, perhaps more firepower, more large threats to draw fire away from the mass of units or something with more mobility. Whereas the Scourge Privateers might be the most complete feeling list here with a spell caster, plenty of infantry mobility and range in the chariots and a large threat in the water hydra thing. My plan is to have the sorc speed the Executioners into combat which alongside the chariots might keep fire off of the Kharibdyss and the Corsairs long enough for them to make it into combat too. 

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